It is drawn as “Tsuru” in kanji. Tsuru means crane.
This work was exhibited at The 3rd Magazine Exhibition of the Hanaji Sommelier Association (published on October 23, 2024. Members only).
Elements used in this work
- Clove… Prosperity, longevity
- Plum… Prosperity, perseverance
- Phoenix… Protection, nobility, peace, happiness
- Heavenly bamboo… Amulets, amulets, celebratory decorations
- Bell… Exorcise evil spirits, attract hearts
- Bundle Ne Tou… Happiness, prosperity, blessings, good relationships, longevity
- Chrysanthemum… Exorcising evil spirits, longevity (depicted in the bundle of bears)
- Paulownia… Sacred Tree, Wealth, Becoming a Worthy Person (depicted in the bundle of bears)
- Hemp leaves… Exorcising sin, amulet, health
- Pine… Health, exorcising evil spirits, good fortune
- Snow holding bamboo … Perseverance, Resilience
- Chrysanthemum… Exorcising evil spirits, longevity
- Gem… Richness that allows you to get what you want at your disposal
- Long-tailed birds… Invite happiness
- Bamboo… Health, exorcising evil spirits, good fortune
- Plover… Carrying Wealth
- Camellia… Development, longevity, exorcising evil spirits
- Blue sea waves… Calm life
- Treasure ship… Smooth sailing, fortune
- Dragon… Protect, Rise, Succeed, Luck Power
- Turtle … Longevity, recovery from illness, protection
- Treasure… Symbol of good fortune and wealth
- Crane… Longevity, recovery from illness, and marital harmony
- Hammer of launch… Get what you want, make your wishes come true, and defeat your enemies
- Flying cranes… Longevity, recovery from illness, and marital harmony
- 丁子…繁栄、長寿
- 梅…繫栄、忍耐力
- 鳳凰…守護、高貴、平和、幸福
- 南天…魔除け、厄除け、慶事の飾り
- 鈴…邪気を祓う、心を惹きつける
- 束ね熨斗…幸福、繫栄、祝福、良縁、長寿
- 菊…邪気を祓う、長寿(束ね熨斗の中に描いています)
- 桐…神聖なる木、富貴、立派な人になる(束ね熨斗の中に描いています)
- 麻の葉…罪穢れを祓う、魔除け、健康
- 松…健康、邪気を祓う、福徳
- 雪持ち笹…忍耐強さ、強靭な精神
- 菊…邪気を祓う、長寿
- 宝珠…欲しいものが思いのままに出せる、豊かさ
- 尾長鳥…幸福を招く
- 竹…健康、邪気を祓う、福徳
- 千鳥…富貴を運ぶ
- 椿…発展、長寿、邪気を祓う
- 青海波…穏やかな生活
- 宝船…順風満帆、財運
- 龍…守護、上昇、成功する、強運パワー
- 蓑亀…長寿、病気回復、守護
- 宝やく…福徳、富の象徴
- 鶴…長寿、病気回復、夫婦円満
- 打出の小鎚…欲しい物が手に入る、願いをかなえる、敵に打ち勝つ
- 飛び鶴…長寿、病気回復、夫婦円満